Mastering is a key final process that takes place before the CD or album is produced and/or released digitally, for example through online distribution. This is the last creative step on the way to the customer/listener, so to speak, and at the same time one of the most sensitive processes from a technical perspective.
In this context, creativity means optimizing sound characteristics to support the musical content of your production, emphasizing key elements and removing any parts that ruin the effect.
Is the frequency response balanced, do your songs have the right volume and appropriate dynamics? We’ll help you find out!
Whether you plan to distribute your music in a compressed consumer format such as MP3, AAC or WMA, via streaming services such as Spotify and YouTube, or are looking for CD and vinyl mastering, every piece needs to be in tune with the different listening environments to bring out the very best of your production.
We’ll give your music the finishing touches to ensure it stands out from other works and remains competitive. With impressive results: a clear increase in transparency, volume and a punch we’re sure you’ll not want to do without again.
The technical part of the process includes removing interference from your songs (clicks, hissing, etc.); fading in and out of the individual songs; adding individual pauses on CDs; as well as meeting various standards required in producing CDs/vinyl (e.g., adding PQ codes/IDs, burning the PreMaster in accordance with the Red Book standard, etc.) as well as format requirements for digital releases, to name just a few steps.
... and last but not least: Besides years of experience in various genres, a professional mastering studio always offers an additional benefit: the necessary objectivity to handle songs you have already listened to what feels like a million times during the mixing process – without bias..
Check it out with a Testmaster for free.
• Mastering Eurer Stereo-Endmix-Aufnahmen (bzw. Exporte/Bounces)
• Stem-Mastering (Mastering mehrerer Subgruppenmixe)
• EQ-Bearbeitung (Optimierung der Frequenzverteilung)
• Dynamikbearbeitung (Pegel-Optimierung, z.B. durch Kompression und/oder Limitierung)
• M/S (Mitte/Seite) Bearbeitung
• Stereoverbreiterung
• Obertonanreicherung (Enhancing)
• Phasenkorrektur
• Entfernung von Störgeräuschen wie Brummen, Rauschen oder Klicks (Denoising/Declicking) sowie Restauration alter Aufnahmen
• Bestimmung der Titelreihenfolge und Setzen der Track-IDs (PQ-Coding)
• Ein- und Ausblendungen (Fade In/Out)
• Überblendungen (z.B. durchlaufende Mix-CD ohne Pausen)
• Säuberung und Bearbeitung individueller Pausenlängen
• Einfügen von CD-Text* oder anderer Metadaten
• Erstellung von Enhanced CDs (z.B. CD mit Audio+Video Teil)
• Absolute Kontrolle Ihrerseits durch finalen Check der von uns zur Verfügung gestellten Vorschau-Dateien bzw. DDP-Masters
• Erstellung eines DDP 2.0 Images als Produktions-Master mit direktem Upload zum Kunden bzw. Presswerk (Abgabe eines pressfertigen Premasters (bis max. 80 Min.) auf CD-ROM ebenfalls möglich!)
• Download der gemasterten Einzeltracks durch den Kunden (zwecks Veröffentlichung durch z.B. Internetvertrieb) in allen gewünschten Auflösungen oder Formaten
• Brennen des Production-Masters im Red Book bzw. Blue Book Standard (bei CD-ROM)
• Archivierung der gemasterten Tracks


- Acustica Audio
- A.O.M.
- DMG Audio
- FabFilter
- Flux
- Kush Audio
- Plugin Alliance:
- Brainworx
- Elysia
- ProAudioDSP
- Shadow Hills
- Vertigo Sound
- Slate Digital
- Softube
- Sonnox/Sony Oxford
- Tokyo Dawn Labs
- Tonebooster
- Universal Audio UAD-2:
- Precision Mastering Bundle
- Manley
- Massenburg DesignWorks
- Voxengo
- Waves
and more ...
- Bettermaker EQ 502P
- Bettermaker EQ 542
- Custom Made Mastering EQ basing on Sontec/Massenburg MEP-250
- Kush Audio Clariphonic EQ
- Crane Song STC-8 Mastering-Kompressor
- Manley Vari-Mu Limiter/Kompressor
- Custom Made Kompressor basing on SSL 4000 Mixbus-Kompressor
- Crane Song HEDD-192
- Klein + Hummel O300D + O800 Subwoofer
- Crane Song Avocet
- Wavelab
- Reaper
- Cubase
If this is your first time at 4CN-Studios, we have a special offer for you: we will produce a test master of one of your songs at no extra cost. To claim this offer, simply complete the following two steps:
- Register in our log-in area
- Upload your song in the log-in area using the integrated uploader. (Please make ure you enter “Test Master” into the comment field when uploading!)
→ FTo book you test master, you DO NOT need to fill out the mastering order form in the log-in area! All you need to do is complete the two steps above.
We will generally send you a mastered 2-4 minute excerpt (depending on the length of the piece) within 3-7 business days to give you a first impression of the quality of our services.
Further Questions?